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Medical Providers

Free Patient Education Kit 
The CPT Code for medical providers is: 57170
                  To order click here
Inside the Patient Education Kit are the following educational tools:
  • One Educational Flip Book:  This educational flip book was designed to quickly help your patient understand through pictures how to use the Conception Kit and Conception Cap. 
  • One Conception Cap with Conception Tray:  Letting the patient see and feel the Conception Cap and tray will give her a better understanding of the Conception Cap. 
  • Five Patient DVD's:  Included in every Patient Education Kit are five patient DVD's.  The DVD"s are designed to be a "take home" for the patient.  The take home DVD will go into greater detail about how to use the Conception Kit and Conception Cap.

Once the DVD's in the Patient Education Kit have been distributed, additional free DVD's in  5 or 10 pack quanties can be ordered on either this web site or over the phone by calling 1-888-970-8787.

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