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Success Stories

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Success Story: Brian and Sharon of California

 Like Valentine’s Day, building a family is all about love. Many couples get so caught up in the struggle to conceive that they forget to stop, take a breath, and appreciate each other as companions. It takes a special couple to hang on for years in the hope that they will get pregnant, all the while keeping the faith that things will work out for the best. We happened to find such a couple for this month’s e-news. Here’s their story:

A labor of love.

Brian and Sharon tried to conceive for nearly four and a half years before using the Conception Kit®. They both went through lab testing to see if a medical condition was getting in the way, but the results were inconclusive.

“The doctor said there was nothing wrong with us,” Sharon said, so they kept up their efforts, using store-bought ovulation predictors to track Sharon’s cycle. But timing alone was not enough to help them conceive.

After hearing about the Conception Kit®, they decided to give it a try. They used one of the included pregnancy tests at the end of the first month and it came up positive. Brian was nice enough to share what happened next via e-mail:

“We’ve been trying for four years for a child, no luck. We saw the Conception Kit and decided to try it because it was approved by the FDA. Lo and behold…a positive reading on the pregnancy test!!!

Wife wasn’t sure so she made me go out and buy another test. A second positive test result. Then she told me to go and get another test.....grrrrrrr.
I said ‘Ok baby, be right back’.

Happy Valentine's Day, Quinn!

I came back with the test and BAM!!! A third positive test result! It took us one time using this kit, so if there are other couples having difficulties, I recommend this system!”

Sharon gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, Quinn, in September of 2008. After such a long struggle, no one deserves our congratulations more than Sharon and Brian. For Valentine’s Day, this year they have something new to celebrate!

Success Story: Lauren and husband

For many of us, 2008 was a challenging year. This is especially true for our military personnel, as they face the difficulty and dangers of their service to our country combined with the separation from their families. At Conceivex, we feel privileged to be able to give back to one of those families with a successful conception. Here’s their story:

“We had been trying to conceive for 11 months [before our success with the Conception Kit]. I have had endometriosis for the past four years, along with cysts and two surgeries, a horrific x-ray, and pain that I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy for years. I was getting so frustrated…it seemed like it was so easy for everyone and difficult for us. We had tried everything in the book.

I was in the waiting room of my OB/GYN, found a Conceive magazine, and saw an ad for the Conception Kit. My husband and I thought we would give it a try, especially since he was getting ready to deploy to Iraq.

We received the kit, used it the next month, and I am now five weeks pregnant with our first!! My husband was thrilled!! He was telling everyone at work and said 'Man this kit is no joke, don't use it unless you are serious about having a baby." It couldn't have happened at a better time. It was the greatest Christmas present I could have ever given him, and he will be home just in time to see the baby being born. Thank you, Conceivex!”

-Lauren from North Carolina


Success Stories: Valerie, Rosa

Inspired by the amazing fall colors this year, we thought it would be nice to showcase feedback from Conception Kit® users in the eastern part of the United States.

Special thanks to Valerie from New Jersey and Rosa from the state of New York for sharing the following stories.

We are so very pleased with our purchase of the Conception Kit! We are newlyweds and had been "trying" on our own for the last 11 months with no success. We used the Conception Kit (our first try) on the weekend of March 22, 2008, and on April 2nd, just 2 weeks shy of our first wedding anniversary, we got a positive pregnancy test!

I was so surprised and overwhelmed, that I took no less than 7 pregnancy tests to convince myself. As I write this, I am happily glancing at our beautiful 8 week ultrasound! I have already recommended your kit to friends and my husband and I are so grateful to not have to resort to costly invasive procedures. We are planning on using the Conception Kit again to complete our little family.

Thank you!

-Valerie from Hillside, NJ

I purchased the Conception Kit back in March. I am happy to say that my husband and I are 9 weeks pregnant. We used your kit on the first try and it worked. We have been trying for two years and no success. The doctor told me I have a tilted uterus, and that it would be a little difficult to conceive on our own.

Our next step was fertility drugs but I heard your advertisement on a local radio station and went on your website to see what it was all about. I spoke with my husband and we ordered your kit on the same day. We wanted to take a chance on your product before we started to spend thousands of dollars on fertility treatment. IT WORKED!!

This is our first pregnancy, and we are so excited. Thank you so much for your product and we will be sure to spread the word to any couple who is having a hard time conceiving.

-Rosa from Massapequa, NY

Please remember that the Conception Kit® is now available at DesignRx® pharmacies throughout the U.S. (including New York and New Jersey). For a complete list of locations, visit

Success Story: Tina S., CNM

In celebration of National Midwifery Week (October 5-11), we decided to feature Tina from Westland, Michigan in this month’s success story.

A Nurse-Midwife who recently got pregnant with the help of the Conception Kit®, Tina has shown great enthusiasm about introducing her patients to this treatment option. “Our society has become so accustomed to high-tech treatments for infertility that sometimes a simple, more natural approach like the Conception Kit gets overlooked,” she said. “I first learned about the kit at the ACNM (American College of Nurse Midwives) Conference and I remember thinking ‘this system makes sense.’”

As it turns out, Tina has had her share of fertility problems, and shortly after her discovery she decided to try the kit herself. The following is an excerpt from the e-mail she sent us when she found out she was pregnant::

Since the birth of my son two years ago, I have noticed a considerable bulge in my vaginal area. I was diagnosed with a rectocele, cystocele, and uterine prolapse. The first two don't cause a problem with conception, but the uterine prolapse can as my cervix is just inside the vagina now and not in a good position for semen to enter. My husband & I tried to conceive for 6 months without success before using the Conception Kit. We decided to try the kit before undergoing fertility treatments, and after using the kit only once I am happy to say that I just found out that I am pregnant! I truly believe that it was due to the use of the Conception Cap which allowed the semen to stay near my cervix. Thank you for such a wonderful product!!!

We would like to express our congratulations to Tina and her husband, and give special thanks to her colleagues at ACNM for spreading the word about the kit. If you would like to know more about National Midwifery Week, visit

Success Story: Meet the Olson Family

At Conceivex, Inc. we hear from a lot of couples who have achieved pregnancy with the Conception Kit™. While every success is important, we sometimes meet a couple whose level of enthusiasm is so inspiring that we just can't help but to check in with them from time to time.

Candice and Ryan Olson of Algonquin, Illinois are one such couple. They got pregnant with the help of the Conception Kit™ last year and have been extremely helpful in "getting the word out" about the Kit. In fact, we are proud to say that their story was picked up by the media See the Olsons on MyFOXand it ran on MyFOX Chicago! You can view this news story in a new browser window by clicking the button on the left.

Building relationships is what we are all about, so we decided to check up on Candice, Ryan, and their baby girl, Tessa to see what they are up to now. Here's what they wrote:

We have all been enjoying these past nine months since Conceivex, Inc. was able to help us realize our dreams. When Tessa came into our lives last October, she was an answer to our prayers and continues to amaze us with what she's learning to do. When we first heard about the Conception Kit, we were a little skeptical but decided to give it a try and have never looked back since. The last nine months have been filled with some ups and downs with Candace's father passing away. However, it was such a blessing for him to be able to interact with Tessa on a daily basis for the first six months of her life. He even called her his little "Tessie." She was his little angel and now he is hers.

On the upside of things, we purchased a new home for our growing family and celebrated Ryan becoming an assistant principal and getting one step closer to completing his doctorate. Candace is missing teaching, but has been enjoying being a mother far too much to return to teaching anytime soon. We are also considering adding to our family very soon and of course will not hesitate to use the Conception Kit again should the need arise.

As far as Tessa is concerned, we get stopped all the time to tell us how beautiful she is. Her baby blues eyes and big smile melt our hearts every day. Developmentally, she is crawling all over the place and pulling herself up onto anything and everything. She has two teeth, which she loves to use to chew on everything, including mommy and daddy. She is also saying momma and dada on a regular basis. We look forward to seeing all her other developmental milestones as she inches close to being a year old.

Ryan, Candace, and Tessa Olson

Success Story: Tammy P. of Maryland

Tammy and her husband heard about the Conception Kit™ through a friend, but were skeptical about it's ability to help them get pregnant. So Tammy took the proactive approach and called Conceivex. Like many patients, Tammy wanted to know more about the primary component of the kit - the Conception Cap®. The following is an expanded version of the facts we shared with Tammy that day:

The truth is cervical cap insemination is not a new idea. The Conception Cap® is actually a 21st century upgrade to the highly successful cervical cap insemination procedure used by doctors in the 1950’s and 1960’s. What makes it "new" is the fact that it's the only FDA-cleared device that is designed for use in the privacy of home. In addition, the Conception Cap® was developed to replace the bulky metal caps that were once used for this procedure with a soft, lightweight silicone device that's easy and comfortable to use. These improvements have allowed us to bring a proven method of assisted reproduction out of the clinic and into the home for the very first time. Here's a bit of history about the use of cervical caps:

The original cap insemination procedure was done in the doctor's office, which meant that the patient had to occupy a room for 4-6 hours. This inefficient use of time and space caused this procedure to fall out of favor as more high-tech (and expensive) treatments were developed. The procedure itself was designed to help patients overcome factors such as low sperm count or low sperm motility. Another benefit of placing a cervical cap (containing the sperm cells) in contact with the opening of the cervix has to do with the survival of sperm in the acidic environment of the vagina.

In more recent years, studies having to do with cervical cap insemination have achieved favorable results. One such study, published in the Journal of Reproductive Medicine, explored the idea of "Cervical cap for Artificial Insemination in the Home" or CAIH. Here are two key statements from the study (click here to read the abstract):

The cervical cap was used in artificial insemination (CAIH) in the home by 63 couples. The cap was actually utilized for at least 1 cycle. Pregnancy was achieved by 12 of the 63 patients who used the cap (19%) and by 44% of those who used the cap for at least 6 months or until pregnancy occurred.

CAIH is as effective as office-based programs with respect to pregnancy rates and has the advantages of reduced cost and greater privacy and convenience.

These studies provide support for the idea of cervical cap insemination in general, but what about the success rate for the Conceivex Conception Cap®?

Because the Conception Kit™ is built around the proven methodology of cervical cap insemination, the clinical trial focused on women’s ability to effectively use the Conception Kitand Conception Cap® at home. The U.S. FDA monitored this process, and it was determined that the majority of women found this system easy to use in the home environment. The most exciting outcome of the clinical trial, however, was that by using this comprehensive, three-month system 24% of couples became pregnant within the first month.

After learning the history behind the Conception Cap®, Tammy decided to give the Conception Kit™ a try. The result? A beautiful boy named Payton (see picture above). Here's what Tammy wrote to us after she got pregnant:

Hi there… I wanted to e-mail you and let you know you were right. You said this would work and here I am 10 weeks pregnant with my first try with Conceivex. I have a son who is two years old and we got pregnant with him through IUI. This was MUCH easier and a lot less expensive. I just wanted to say thank you so much for the new kid…but not for the morning sickness that I have had! I hope that others hear about your product and have as much luck as we have had. Thanks again!

We give a lot of credit to people like Tammy. She asked the tough questions and was very thoughtful and intelligent in her approach. It is our distinct honor to congratulate Tammy and her husband, and wish them many happy years together as a family.


Alyssa, 31-year old wife and mother of a beautiful 2 ½ year-old girl named Norah, and her husband Darrell wanted another child so desperately that they were virtually brought to the brink of financial ruin in pursuit of what Alyssa refers to as their "greatest wish." Little did they know that an inexpensive, at-home fertility kit would prove to be their salvation.

Alyssa's first natural pregnancy was ectopic, a rare instance in which the fertilization of the egg occurs in the Fallopian tube as opposed to the uterus. This occurrence is so rare that only one percent of all pregnancies are ectopic, and 99 percent of these occur in the Fallopian tube. Unfortunately, the embryo and Alyssa's right tube were lost. Though sad, Alyssa and Darrell were undeterred. Their obstetrician was confident the couple would be able to get pregnant again very quickly.

After nine months with no success, tests confirmed morphology, motility, as well as count issues in Darrell's sperm
They were then referred to a fertility specialist. Alyssa underwent what was to be the first of a total of six intrauterine insemination procedures (IUI's), each more difficult and disappointing than the previous one. With no luck and options running low, Alyssa finally underwent in-vitro fertilization, an expensive procedure with a low success rate. The first attempt in May of 2004 was successful, but resulted in no leftover embryos to freeze, should they want to try for another child at a later time. Alyssa gave birth to Norah in January of 2005, the feeling was "ecstatic," says Alyssa.

Several months after the birth of Norah, the joyous new parents turned their attention to the business of having another child. "We always wanted at least two children," explains Alyssa. Because they could not conceive naturally, IVF seemed to be their only option.

Since their pregnancy with Norah, Alyssa and Darrell had relocated from Illinois to Kentucky. Illinois is a state that mandates insurance coverage for infertility; however, in Kentucky, "none of these procedures are covered by insurance." Now the couple found themselves with a large debt. They had taken out a loan against Darrell's 401K to help pay for the first IVF; and in the spring of 2006, they took out a Capital One Healthcare loan to help finance a second IVF.

The second IVF was successful; however, it ended with a miscarriage after less than a month. As Alyssa explains, "We literally maxed out all our credit cards." The couple considered other options, such as adoption; but private adoptions can cost just as much as IVF; and the thought of foster-to-adopt was just too intimidating - raising a child for 18 months and then possibly having to give it back was unbearable.

After her second attempt (this time using the Conception Kit™), Alyssa became pregnant with her second child, born in April of 2008. Here’s the story in her own words and with the final outcome:

I just wanted to tell you all again that this product really does work...and I'm staring at living proof. My son was born this past Tuesday afternoon (a little earlier than his expected 5/10 due date!) but perfectly healthy! Here's a brief recap of my story: my first medically unassisted pregnancy was ectopic (in my tube) and resulted in emergency surgery when my tube ruptured, and the loss of my baby & tube. After a clear HSG on my remaining tube & nine months of unsuccessful trying on our own, we found out that hubby has "issues" with his sperm. After a referral to an RE [Reproductive Endocrinologist] and six unsuccessful IUI's, we had a successful IVF that gave us our now-3 year old daughter. We tried another IVF about a year later and had a very early miscarriage. We were out of money and options, since infertility isn't covered by our insurance. Shortly after this, my regular OB/GYN made the diagnosis (based on some symptoms my RE had dismissed!) that I was in perimenopause and had been for several years-at age 30! I was crushed and angry, since we wanted another child so badly and now it seemed that there was definitely no way it would happen. I came across an ad for the Conception Kit™ in Conceive Magazine. And the result has his daddy's curly red hair! If it worked for us, imagine how well/easily it could work for someone who doesn't have our kind of problems.

Success Story: Rod and Beth (the full story)

Rod and Beth are a great example of how the Conception Kit can help couples conceive. They have been featured on our website for several months, but the full details of their story have not been released to the public until now:

Beth is a 29-year old adjunct professor at Grand Valley State University in Allendale, Michigan, whose 18 month struggle with infertility brought her to a point where she would, in her words, “try anything” to conceive. It would also put her on the losing end of a bet, which, in her case, is not really as bad as it sounds.

About three years ago, during a routine OB/GYN exam, her doctor found a lump near her right ovary. He advised that they monitor it and that she report any peculiar symptoms at once. Feeling fine, and not experiencing anything out of the ordinary, Beth returned a year later for another routine medical checkup. This time, the exam revealed that the growth was not only present near the ovary, but had grown in size. Her physician, Dr. Ligon, recommended a routine outpatient laparoscopic surgery to remove the growth. With her entire future still before her, Beth’s concern was sharp and immediate. “I wanted to know whether it would affect my chances of becoming pregnant later on,” she said. Dr. Ligon assured her that in time she might be able to conceive. So, in July of 2005, Beth went into surgery; but it was immediately clear that her “routine” procedure was about to become anything but.

To the surgeon’s surprise, the tumor had swelled to a point that it totally encased the ovary. The minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery was now no longer an option. Instead, the surgeon removed the ovary and growth in one piece. The surgery was a success; Beth’s wound was closed; and after a short hospital stay, she returned home to heal.

Several weeks later, Beth was fully recuperated and celebrating her surprise engagement with her boyfriend of five months. The joy of the day quickly turned to shock with an urgent phone call from the oncologist’s office. The growth, it turned out, was a malignant one, the diagnosis: fibrosarcoma, a type of ovarian cancer. Though this outcome was mentioned to her earlier as a possibility, the diagnosis and its timing both shocked and saddened Beth. Still, she was not at all frightened. “Due to the uncertainty of my health and reproductive status, I immediately asked my fiancée if he was sure he wanted to get married; and his response was, ‘of course.’”

A week later, Beth found herself sitting in an oncologist’s office, her new fiancée by her side. The doctor explained that the tumor was found in its early stages, and therefore chemotherapy was not immediately necessary. However, as another tumor could potentially appear on the other ovary, he recommended a pre-emptive surgical removal. Fully realizing the risk she faced, Beth pointedly refused. “Since the threat was not immediate, and since both of us wanted our own children, I decided against the surgery.” With the oncologist’s blessing, the plan instead turned to a vigilant schedule of frequent medical visits for close monitoring.

After their wedding in December of 2005, Beth and her husband started on a plan to conceive, working around his busy schedule as a corporate pilot, which made timing an issue. “He wasn’t always home on the days when my fertility was at its peak,” said Beth. After several more months of trying, Beth and her husband had a medical workup to rule out any potential issues. At this time, Beth was diagnosed as having a tilted cervix. Though not dangerous, this condition can sometimes make conception troublesome. Beth began learning about in vitro fertilization, or IVF. However, the low success rate of IVF* and the intense regimen of shots and medical visits inherent to the process were not encouraging for Beth. She sought an alternative.

Dr. Ligon suggested a new product that addresses the problem of a tilted cervix called the Conception Kit™, a newly FDA-cleared fertility product for at-home use. He also prescribed a medication that stimulates the release of hormones necessary for ovulation to occur. Three months later, Beth and her husband went through the usual routine of conducting a pregnancy test and wagered on the outcome – he betting yes and Beth betting no. A pregnancy test confirmed the result. “That was one bet I was happy to lose,” said Beth, whose first baby is due in April of 2008.

*SOURCE: Papanikolaou EG, Camus M, Kolibianakis EM, Van Landuyt L, Van Steirteghem A, Devroey P (2006). "In Vitro Fertilization with Single Blastocyst-Stage versus Single Cleavage-Stage Embryos". N Engl J Med 354: 1139

UPDATE: Beth gave birth to a beautiful baby boy named Caleb on 3-28-08. Her family is now featured in our latest TV ad, which you can view by clicking the link below:

Watch new video featuring Rod, Beth, and Caleb

Success Story: "thingamababy"

Wife of "" Blogger Gets Pregnant During Product Test.
Congratulations to AJ and his wife who conceived on the second month of using the Conception Kit™.

Excerpt from "Thumbs Up for the Do-It-Yourself Conception Kit by Conceivex”

Wait a minute. How could someone write a hands-on review of the Conception Kit by Conceivex?
Well , my wife and I used one…and, you guessed it, we're pregnant! Oh, and no one in my family is receiving a formal notification. This is it, baby!

We have a 3-year-old daughter and have been trying to get pregnant again for seven months. We began in January, foolishly thinking we would get pregnant right away because that's what happened our first time around.
Months passed without success, and a few weeks before my daughter's third birthday we felt like our time window was closing. So I requested a review sample of the home-based do-it-yourself Conception Kit by Conceivex that I had blogged about a few months earlier. The company agreed, and we got busy.

What we liked:
The packaging is superb. The instructions are clear. The process is straightforward and simple. The kit worked. We're pregnant. Need I say more ?

"Clomid and a Kit": Pam's story

Pam from St. Charles, Missouri discovered how the Conception Kit™ is a good choice for women using fertility medications:
"My husband and I had been trying to have a baby for ten cycles. Four of those ten we were on Clomid*- but still no success. I have a fifteen year old daughter and my husband checked out okay, but even with the help of Clomid we had no luck and were frustrated.
I saw a piece about the Conception Kit on my local news station and ordered the kit. I talked my doctor into keeping me on the Clomid for a fifth month so that I could take it in conjunction with the kit. The FIRST Month we used the kit I got a positive pregnancy test!
I will recommend this kit to anyone I know that is trying to conceive.
The price of the kit was so small compared to what fertility treatments would have cost.
Thank you for providing this product!"
* "Clomid" is a registered trade mark ® of Sanofi-aventis.

Success Story: Saheedah and family

Featured Mom: Saheedah of Kentwood, Michigan
Saheedah and her husband were able to conceive their first child with ease. Years later, they tried for to conceive another child. As the months went by with no results, Saheedah began to worry.
"We were stressed out when we realized I couldn't get pregnant after nine months" she said.

That's when she decided to see Dr. Dorsey Ligon, a Michigan obstetrician and gynecologist. Little did she know that Dr. Ligon is on our Medical Advisory Board, and because of this he had access to the FDA cleared Conception Cap before it was available to the general public. After assessing her condition, Dr. Ligon decided that she would be a good candidate for the cap.
"He [Dr. Ligon] suggested that we try the Conception Cap before introducing any type of medications." said Saheedah.
"It sounded like a good idea to me."
In the first month of trying to get pregnant using the Conception Cap, Saheedah's dream of another child finally came true. Her second daughter, Nia, was born in October of 2006 and we couldn't be more proud of Saheedah and her family.

Success Stories: Quick quotes from around the nation

"We are so happy to be adding to our family thanks to the Conception Kit. After being told that IVF was the way that we would have a family due to a low sperm count, we did go through everything and have our daughter. After thinking that we wanted to add to our family my mother told me about the conception kit and I sent away for it. After only 2 months of use I became pregnant with our second child and am due December 24th. We were so amazed that it worked, and could be so easy after all we had gone through before. Even the nurses at my doctor's office were joking that we'd gotten pregnant by having sex! Thank you for such a wonderful product, it has truly changed our lives."

- Martha (Wisconsin)
“The Conception Kit was so easy to use! My husband and I had been trying to get pregnant for the past year with no luck. We followed the easy directions, pictures included. I found the cap very easy to insert and did not feel it during the time it was in. We waited a few weeks and when we took the pregnancy test, it was positive. The whole experience was wonderful.We called Carol [Vice President, Conceivex, Inc.] and she was so congratulatory. Everyone that we have talked to has been warm, friendly and encouraging. The process was easy and smooth and the people were a delight. I would highly recommend the kit to anyone who is trying to get pregnant."

-Stacy and Michael (Pingree Grove, IL)
"I am happy to report that the kit worked the first month we tried, after a year of being unsuccessful without the kit. Today my wife is officially 12 weeks pregnant and we couldn’t be happier. Thank you!"
-Ryan (Lake Havasu City, AZ)
"I had been using Clomid for a while and still wasn't able to get pregnant. My doctor prescribed a Conception Kit to use along with my medication. After a month of trying with the kit, I just found out I'm pregnant! What a great way to start the new year."
-Valbona H. (Livonia, MI)
"I was in the Conception Kit Clinical Trial in the summer of 2006. I used the Conception Kit and Conception Cap in conjunction with doing an IUI treatment. In April of 2007, I will deliver twin boys! As a side note my friend was also in the clinical trial and is due one week prior to our due date in April. I’m now recommending the Conception Kit as a great first fertility option to all my friends in Florida."
-Alison (Odessa, Florida)

"Everyone’s story is unique, however ours is filled with very hard times and very blessed times. I was able to get pregnant the first time with no problems four years ago. Our first baby had Leukemia and passed away at 15 months. We then tried for two years to conceive our second child. We did IUI [Intra-Uterine Insemination] with Clomid and once again became pregnant, but this pregnancy was lost at 16 weeks. It took seven IUI cycles with three rounds of Clomid to achieve another pregnancy. I had a healthy baby boy who is now 15 months old. It didn’t take us long to decide that he should have a brother or a sister. We tried for three months on our own and then joined the Conception Kit clinical trial. On the second cycle of using the Conception Kit we conceived and my due date is April 7th, 07. After all we have been through my husband was so surprised that the Conception Kit worked so fast. We are thrilled!!!"
- Marla (Tampa, FL)

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