
Welcome to Conceivex Inc. (Conceivex), the company conceiving new ideas in reproductive health care. Conceivex realizes there is a vast void of products that address the reproductive health care needs of couples. The Conceivex mission is to give women/couples health care products that will assist them in reaching their reproductive goals. Currently one in six women is looking for help becoming pregnant. That is why Conceivex manufactures and distributes the Conception Kit, a safe, effective, and reasonably priced method to help women/couples overcome infertility in the privacy of their own homes. The Conception Kit is FDA cleared & CE approved, and easy to use.
The founder of Conceivex is Michael La Vean. Michael's first company, Veos, won the Gynecological Innovation of the Year Award in both France and Italy for his invention and development of the Oves brand of over-the-counter contraceptive cervical caps. Though the focus of Veos was on contraception, it occurred to Mr. La Vean that a cervical cap which addresses conception was needed. Determined to realize the full potential of his product design and bring it to new markets, Mr. La Vean founded Conceivex. Mr. La Vean laid the groundwork for Conceivex by inventing the Conception Cap and the Conception Kit. These two reproductive tools are designed to be used in conjunction with each other to enhance a couple's opportunity to conceive.
Conceivex is ISO 13485 certified for quality. Conceivex is headquartered in Saranac, Michigan.
Please feel free to contact Conceivex by going to the Contact Us section of our web site.