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Dictionary, Acronyms and Abbreviations
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M
N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
AF (Aunt Flo)-This is a slang description for your menstrual flow. Normally on days one through five the lining of the uterus breaks down and passes through the vagina.
AI (Artificial Insemination)-There are two different types of AI:
- Intrauterine insemination places the sperm into the uterus
Intracervical insemination places the sperm into the cervix

Age-It has been well documented that the older you are the harder it is to conceive.

Androgens- Androgens means the excess of male hormones in a female.

ASRM (American Society for Reproductive Medicine)-The Vision of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) is to be the internationally recognized leader for multidisciplinary information, education, advocacy and standards in the field of reproductive medicine.

Azospermic- Azospermic is the term for no sperm in the semen. Without sperm you can not conceive.


Barrier Method- A barrier method is a device that will not allow semen or sperm to come into contact with the cervix. According the Cervical Barrier Advancement Society, cervical barriers, including diaphragms and cervical caps, are among the oldest known contraceptives. Ancient texts document the use of crocodile dung pessaries, lemon halves, and beeswax plugs as cervical barriers. A century ago, diaphragms and cervical caps were popular contraceptives in many European countries, and during the 1920’s and 1930s the diaphragm was the most frequently prescribed contraceptive in the United States. Conceivex, Inc. recommends the Oves Contraception Cap as a cervical barrier method.

BBT (Basal Body Temperature)-Basal Body Temperature readings are a way to chart ovulation and determine if you are pregnant. During ovulation your BBT will drop. Normally you would start to chart your temperature with a thermometer at the same time each day starting on the first day of your period. Most physicians suggest doing it first thing in the morning prior to getting up.

BCP (Birth Control Pill)-The birth control pill (also called "the Pill") is a daily pill that contains the hormones estrogen and progesterone that prevent ovulation. You can't get pregnant if you don’t ovulate, since you won't have an egg to fertilize. The Pill also thickens the mucus around the cervix, and thicker cervical mucus is harder for sperm to swim through in search of an egg that doesn't exist. The Pill can sometimes affect the lining of the uterus, making it challenging for an egg to attach to the side of the uterus.

BD or BD’ing (Baby Dance)-The baby dance is the traditional method to conceive a baby through sex.

Blastocyst-A blastocyst is a multicell fertilized egg. It is about the size of a pinhead. The blastocyst is a hollow ball of cells with fluid inside. The blastocyst nestles itself into the wall lining of the uterus

BMS (Baby Making Sex)-Baby Making Sex is sex with the purpose of conceiving.


CD (Cycle Day)-Cycle day is the first day of your cycle when your period starts.

CD4 Receptors-The primary cells attacked by HIV are the CD4+ lymphocytes, which help direct immune function in the body. Since CD4+ cells are required for proper immune system function, when enough CD4+ lymphocytes have been destroyed by HIV, the immune system barely works. Vaginal intercourse is becoming a common means of spreading HIV due to the fact that CD4-like receptors are located in the cervical Os.

Cervix-The cervix is located at the lower part of the uterus. The cervix has two distinct functions. First it helps to hold the growing fetus inside the uterus. Secondly, the cervix keeps infections from invading the uterus. The cervix is sensitive to pressure but has no nerve endings on its surface. The place where you feel the cervix one day may be slightly different from where you feel it the next due to the fact that the uterus changes during your monthly cycle.

Cervical OS-The tip of the cervix is the os, the opening to the uterus. Women who have never had a vaginal birth have an os that feels like a closed tulip. Females that have given birth vaginally have a cervical os that will feel like a u or a smile when you feel it with your finger.

CervicalTransformation Zone-The transformation zone of the cervix is the area between the ectocervix and endocervix. According to the Cervical Barrier Advancement Society: the transformation zone is the region most vulnerable to dysplasia (precancerous changes), and new research seems to indicate that receptors for HIV are concentrated there as well. In fact, researchers believe the cervix may be the primary site of HIV infection in women.

Cervical Stenosis-Cervical Stenosis is a narrowing or a constriction of the cervical canal or cervical os. Having a cervical stenosis means that the constriction impeeds the sperm from swimming through to the uterus.

Chlamydia-This is the most common STD (sexually transmitted diseases). This disease comes from the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. Chlamydia can infect both men and women and can cause infertility in both sexes. In females Chlamydia can lead to PID (pelvic inflammatory disease) which is a leading reason for impaired fallopian tubes. In men Chlamydia can cause the testicles to develop epididymitis infection which in turn can lead to a lower sperm count. Chlamydia is easy to treat with antibiotics.

Clomid-Clomid is a drug that helps multiply the number of eggs released during an ovulation cycle. This drug must be prescribed by a health care provider.

CM (Cervical Mucous)-Cervical Mucous plays a key role in the highway the sperm must travel. The sperm leave the semen and swim into the cervical mucous where they will swim up and into the uterus to meet up with the egg.

Conception Cap-The Conception Cap was developed by Michale LaVean and Conceivex, Inc. It is designed to enhance you opportunity to conceive by moving the sperm closer to the egg. While the sperm is inside the Conception Cap they do not have to deal with a hostile vaginal environment, don’t have to swim up to the cervical opening and are given that extra boost needed to swim through the cervix and into the uterus.

Condom-A barrier or collection method used by the male. The condom is unrolled unto the penis. The Conception Kit uses the condom for a collection device for the semen.

Corpus Luteum-The follicle which the egg left is called the Corpus Luteum. This follicle produces progesterone.


DE (Donor Eggs)-When a female donates an egg for conception to another couple for conception.

DI (Donor Insemination)-When a male donates sperm for conception to another couple for conception.

DPO (Days Past Ovulation)-The DPO are just that the days past ovulation. The first couple of days past ovulation are when the opportunity to conceive increases with the egg making it's move to the uterus.

DX (Diagnosis)-The DX is the medical term that is addressed to a patient to describe his or her condition.


Egg-The egg is the most important part of the female reproductive system. The egg has 23 chromosomes. Chromosomes contain the genes that will decide what color hair, eyes and other physical characteristics.

Ectopic Pregnancy-Ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg doesn't travel into the uterus, but instead grows rapidly in the fallopian tube. This can be fatal and must be addressed.

Ejaculate-Ejaculation is when the semen leaves the penis. Normal ejaculation is between 0.05 and 0.2 fluid ounces, it can be very thick or very watery. Ejaculation can change due to the amount of fluid, exercise and other things that the male has ingested in to his system.

Endometriosis-Endometriosis is when the endometrial tissue (normally found in the uterus) attaches to other parts of the reproductive system. When endometrial tissue attaches to other parts of the reproductive system it can cause irritation, swelling, infection and scar tissue.

Endometrium-The lining of the uterus is the endometrium.

Estrogen-This hormone is produced by the ovaries, estrogens purpose is to make the cervical mucous thin and plentiful. Estrogen will also impact the basal body temperature to be lower.

EWCM (Egg White Cervical Mucous)-Egg White Cervical Mucous is the term used to describe the cervical mucous right before ovulation. During this stage of the cycle the mucous becomes very thin (looks like egg whites)and the sperm is able to penetrate it eaisly.


Fallopian Tube-When an egg pops from one of the ovaries, it enters the fallopian tube. There are two fallopian tubes in the female reproductive system. The egg then travels through the tube to reach the uterus. The fallopian Tube acts as the highway the egg must travel to reach the uterus where it will hopefully rest after being fertilized.

Fallopian Tube (blocked)-A blocked fallopian tube can be caused by endometrial tissue, or infection not allowing the egg or sperm to pass.

False-Positive-A false –positive occurs when you are pregnant and suffer an early miscarriage where the egg doesn’t stick to the wall of the uterus. A false positive can also happen if your test stick is faulty.

Fibroids-Fibroids are a common infertility problem. A fibroid is a noncancerous tumor commonly found in the uterus. When a fibroid grows inside the uterine cavity it prevents the fertilized egg from attaching.

FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone)-FSH is the hormone used to help the egg grow. This hormone is release in the pituitary gland.

Follicle-The follicle is the tissue fluid sac that surrounds the egg. During ovulation the dominate follicle will burst letting the egg start the journey to find the sperm.

Foreplay-Foreplay describes the act during sex prior to intercourse. Foreplay plays an important role when trying to conceive. During foreplay the female mucus level increases due to the stimulation, it is thought that more mucus gives the couple more opportunity for the semen to pass through the uterus.


Genital warts-Gential warts are one of the most common causes of sexually transmitted disease (STDs) in the world. The human papilloma virus (HPV) is the virus that causes genital warts.

Gestational Carrier-A third party women who carries the fetus to term inside when the women who is trying to conceive can not.


HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)-While the highest risk of HIV transmission is associated with anal intercourse, vaginal intercourse is becoming a common means of spreading HIV. Vaginal intercourse is the most rapidly growing risk factor for acquiring HIV infection in the United States and in the developing world it is the most common method of HIV transmission. Everyone must take appropriate steps to prevent the spread of HIV: Safer sex with condoms, dental dams and cervical caps, not sharing needles can help prevent the spread of HIV.

HPT (Home Pregnancy Test)-Home pregnancy test measure hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), the hormone released when an embryo is implanted in the uterus. The hCG hormone can be found in urine. To detect this hormone most HPT's use urine.

HPV (Human Papilloma Virus)-This virus causes cervical cancer. Women who have multiple partners are more likely to come in contact with the virus.

HSG (Hysterosalpingogram)-This is a test where dye is injected into the uterus and fallopian tubes to see whether there are irregularities.


IF (Infertiltiy)-Infertility is the description used to describe when a couple is not conceiving.

IFV (In Vitro Fertilization)-IFV is a process where the sperm is joined with the egg. This process takes place in a test tube. The fertilized egg is then placed in the uterus for implantation.

Impotence-The inability for a male to achieve an erection. If this is happening go to your medical provider for treatment.

IUI (Intra-Uterine Insemination)-Intrauterine insemination places the sperm into the uterus.


LH (Luteinizing Hormone)-The pituitary gland produces this hormone. This hormone causes the ovary to release the mature egg. This is a very important hormone!!!

LH Surge (Luteinizing Hormone Surge)-About a day or so (24-36 hours) prior to ovulation the amount of LH Hormone will rise. The rise in this hormone causes the ovary to release the mature egg. This is called the LH Surge.

LMP (Last Menstrual Period)-LMP is the acronym for your last menstrual period.

LP (Luteal Phase)-Is the time from ovulation to menstruation. This phase should be at least 10 days long. If your LP is under 10 days you may not be able to sustain a pregnancy.

LPD (Luteal Phase Defect)-When your progesterone hormone is too low it can cause your period to start 10 days after your ovulate rather than the normal two-week period. Having a low progesterone will cause the fertilized egg not to sustain it's self when it attaches to the uterus lining. If this is occurring check with your medical provider to see what vitamins or medication they can prescribe to help lengthen the phase.


Menstrual Flow-Normally on day 1-5 the lining of the uterus breaks down and passes through the vagina. This passing of the uterus lining is called the menstrual flow.

M/C (Miscarriage)-When a pregenancy is lost and the fetus can not live outside the womb.

Mid–Cycle Spotting-Mid–Cycle Spotting can be a normal event for some women. It occurs when the egg pops out of the ovary, however if you bleed for more than one day go to your medical provider and get it checked out.

Motility of Sperm-The sperm motiltiy describes the movement of the sperm. The motility of the sperm is important since the sperm must swim to find the egg.

Mucosal Tissue-Mucosal tissue protect the body from an enormous quantity and variety of antigens.


NIH (National Institutes of Health)-The National Institutes of Health is the United States medical research agency-making important medical discoveries that improve health and save lives.

Nuliparous-Nuliparous women is a description used to describe a women that has not conceived.


O (Ovulation)-Ovulation is the process when the egg breaks out of the follicle and starts it’s journey down to the uterus.

Oligospermia-low sperm count with less than 20 million sperm per ejaculation.

OPK (Ovulation Predictor Kit)-OPK test strips measure the amount of luteinizing hormone found in the female urine.The luteninizing hormone rises right before ovulation. When ovulation occurs it is your best opportunity window to conceive.

OTC (Over the Counter)-OTC is the term used to describe products that can be purchased without a prescription from a doctor.

Ovaries-These two organs in the female body make the eggs.


PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)-Women with PCOS ovulate erratically or not at all.

P4 (Progesterone)-P4 is the hormone needed for the egg to implant and grow as an early embryo.

PG (Pregnancy)-Pregnancy has several definitions for different religions and different communities. Pregnancy can be classified when a fertilized egg has been implanted in the wall of a woman's uterus. Another definition states that pregnancy begins at fertilization. The term "conception," is also used to describe pregnancy and when it happens. Most of the medical community feels that pregnancy is equated with implantation.

PG Ment’d(Internet slang for pregnancy)-

PI (Primary Infertiltiy)-Never having concieved a child is considered primary infertility.

PID (Pelvic Imflammatory Disease)- Accordingto the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the United States Goverment pelvic imflammatory disease is the most common and serious complication of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among women. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), an infection of the upper genital tract. PID can affect the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, or other related structures. Untreated, PID causes scarring and can lead to infertility, tubal pregnancy, chronic pelvic pain, and other serious consequences.

Placenta-In the placenta, nutrients, wastes, and gases are exchanged between the mother's blood and the baby's blood.

Polyps-Polyps are adnormal growths that can develop in the uterus. Polyps have been compaired to warts or skin tags. Polyps can make it so the fertilized egg doesn't attach to the wall of the uterus.

+++ (Positive Results)-Congratulation your pregnant.

Postcoital Test-This test is done shortly after a couple has intercourse to determine if the sperm can survive in your cervical fluid.

Prenatal Vitamins-Prenatal vitamins contain folic acid, calcium and iron. The vitamins help to prevent certain birth defects.


RE (Reproductive Endocrinologist)-An endocrinologist is a specially trained doctor. Reproductive Endocrinologists diagnose diseases that affect your reproductive glands.


SA (Semen Analysis) -A semen analysis is necessary to is to see what’s up with the sperm.

SAB (Spontaneous Abortion/Miscarriage)-

Scarred Uterus-Scarred uterus can be caused by a previous uterine surgery (like a caesarean section) or it can be caused by having an STD or PID.

Secondary Phase-The secondary phase is a term used to describe when the egg is floating down into the uterus trying to reach the sperm and implant in the uterus. The secondary phase can last for several days.

SI (Secondary Infertility)-Secondary infertility is generally defined as the inability of a couple to conceive after a year of unprotected and appropriately timed intercourse when one or both partners have previously conceived children.

Semen-Semen is the fluid released by the male during an ejaculation. Inside the semen is the sperm.

Sperm-A sperm cell, or spermatozzon is the most important aspect of the male reproductive system. The sperm cell is carried in the semen fluid and is capable of fertilising a female egg cell which starts conception by forming a zygote.

Sperm mobility zero-When sperm do not have the ability to move and swim they will not be able to reach the egg and fertilize it.

STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease)/STI (Sexually Transmitted Infections)-The general term sexually transmitted disease (STD) is applied to any of the group of diseases that can be spread by sexual contact. In England STD’s are called STI (sexually transmitted infections). STDs are spread from one person to another through intimate sexual contact such as sexual intercourse, oral-genital contact, or anal sex. Sexually transmitted diseases are caused by a variety of different bacterium. Unfortunately, many STD’s do not have symptoms of infection that would let you know that something is wrong. Left untreated STD’s can cause infertility in a variety of different ways...


TCOYF(Taking charge of your fertility)

TTC(Trying to Conceive)

2WW(Two week wait) - this describes the time between ovulation and pregnancy.

Tipped Cervix-When a cervix is tipped it will miss the semen pool and thus not have the opportunity to conncet with the semen and sperm. With the Conception Kits Conception Cap a tipped cervix isn't a problem.


Ultrasound-The use of a medical device to bounce sound waves off internal organs. These sound waves will give the medical provider a picture of what’s happening.

Uterus-The purpose of the uterus is to hold and nourish the fetus for nine months.


Vagina-It is the channel which the sperm must travel and which the baby will eventually travel to make its entrance into the world.

Vitamins-Vitamins are a supplement to a diet to get the nutrinents your body needs.

Vulvovaginitis-Vulvovaginitis is an inflammation of the vulva and vagina.


Yeast Infection-A yeast infection/candidiasis is caused by a type of yeast-like fungus called Candida. This infection can give a female a cottage cheese like discharge and can make the vaginal area feel very itchy. This can be treated with medication.

YO (Years Old)-When writing on the web some will use the letter YO to represent the number of years old some one or something is.


Zygote-the Zygote is a fertilized egg.

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